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AFI teilen gleich zwei neue Songs

AFI News 2021

Foto: Jacob Boll

Nachdem AFI Ende letzten Jahres ihr neues Album in Aussicht gestellt haben, teilt die Band heute gleich zwei neue Songs daraus. „Twisted Tongues“ und „Escape From Los Angeles“ heißen die Titel, die über die Social Media-Kanäle der Band bereits angeteasert worden waren. Beide kommen mit entsprechenden Visualizern daher und bilden das erste neue Material seit der 2018er EP „The Missing Man“. Produziert wurden die Tracks von Gitarrist Jade Pudget, für den Mix war Tony Hoffer (M83, Phoenix, Silversun Pickups) zuständig. Sänger Davey Havok äußert sich folgendermaßen zu den Songs:

“As I recall, ‚Twisted Tongues‘ came of the Blood era and was the first piece of music we explored on the new album. The dreaminess of the music lyrically inspired themes of unforseen severance. It is a pining song of being set adrift by those who once feigned to share the same anchors.”

“Los Angeles, like most of my loves, is imbued with a darkness and radiance. Musically, ‚Escape from Los Angeles‘ called for my own vantage to this classic theme of the city’s dichotomous allure.“

Und Jade Pudget ergänzt:

„Anyone who knows our catalog knows that no two records really sit together. Some sit a little closer, maybe. We do certain things, just by virtue of who we are, that are consistent, but those things come about organically. Every time we do something, I have to judge it on its own merits. Some fans are going to judge a new album, or a new song, based on what’s come before. But as artists, we can’t do that, because it would only hinder our creativity.“

Video: AFI – Twisted Tongues

Video: AFI – Escape From Los Angeles

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