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Bad Cop/Bad Cop mit weiterem neuen Song

Die US-Punkrock Band Bad Cop/Bad Cop hat für den 16. Juni ihr neues Album „Warriors“ via Fat Wreck Chords angekündigt. Mit „Amputations“ schickt die Band nun einen zweiten Vorboten ins Rennen. Zuvor präsentierten die vier Damen bereits den Song „Womanarchist„.

Co-Sängerin Jennie Cotterill über den neuen Song: “We were on the Fat Wreck Chords 25th anniversary tour in 2015, and Stacey was partying really hard. She ended up bottoming out on the tour, and we had to leave. It was not a good separation. We had to go home and drop off the tour and figure out if we were still a band, what are we going to do about Stacey… Thankfully, Fat helped send her to detox, and she came out of that as a completely new person with a totally different trajectory. Before that, she was demonically possessed. She was destroying everything around her.” Dieses Erlebnis diente als Inspiration für den neuen Song „Amputations“.

2015 präsentierten Bad Cop/Bad Cop ihr Debütalbum „Not Sorry„. Im vergangenen Jahr war die Band im Béi Chéz Heinz in Hannover zu Gast.

Stream: Bad Cop/Bad Cop – Amputations

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