Nachdem Beach Slangs Ex-Managerin Charlie Lowe Vorwürfe des psychischen Missbrauchs von Frontmann James Alex laut machte, hat die Band nun ihre Auflösung bekannt gegeben. Derweil veröffentlichte die Familie von James Alex ein Statement, in dem sie sagt, dass er unter einer „bipolare Störung, paranoide Schizophrenie und nun eine Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung“ leidet. Dies solle keine Entschuldigung, aber eine Erklärung sein. Hier lest Ihr das ganze Statement:
Charlie Lowe beschuldigt Alex James des jahrelangen psychischen Missbrauchs. So soll er sie respektlos und erniedrigend behandelt haben. Es ging sogar so weit, dass sie über Suizid nachdachte. Über das Statement der Familie zeigt sie sich schockiert:
Also that “statement” contains no apology whatsoever nor does it mention me at all, effectively silencing me as the victim & putting the spotlight right back on James for sympathy. It’s unreal how fucking gross this is & continues to be.
— Charlie (@heysweetcharlie) January 11, 2021
I endured constant emotional, psychological & narcissistic abuse from James Alex for years. I have learned he sells his too-kind-to-be-true persona to hide that he is truly the most selfish horrible person I will ever meet. I was diagnosed with C-PTSD from how he treated me. 1/3
— Charlie (@heysweetcharlie) January 5, 2021
So basically, fuck him. Fuck his made up music personality. Fuck his fake kindness. Fuck him for using me almost daily. Fuck him for making me want to commit s*****e to get out. Fuck him for my therapy bills & medication. Fuck him for alienating me from everyone I love. 2/3
— Charlie (@heysweetcharlie) January 5, 2021
Fuck him for using me as his goddamn personal servant, on tour & not. For making sure I was always so financially fucked with no other options. For being a textbook narcissist abuser. For making me feel so worthless & alone.
I see you clearly now. Fuck you.
— Charlie (@heysweetcharlie) January 5, 2021