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Behind The Lyrics: Browbeat – The Showdown


Foto: Pressefreigabe/Metallist PR

Mit „The Showdown“ hat die italienische Hardcore/Metal-Band Browbeat für den 22. Januar 2022 ihre neue EP angekündigt. In den rund fünf neuen Songs thematisiert die Band die Korruptionen der Regierung mit den großen Konzernen, die für die Klimakrise, die Ausbeutung unserer Umwelt und Freiheitseinschränkungen verantwortlich sind. Frontmann M. V. erklärt, worum es in den Lyrics der EP geht:

I thought I was just having a bad nightmare but my eyes were wide open and my ears pointed, sadly… It is as if suddenly in your garden instead of seeing a beautiful black and furry cat, a fiery meteorite crashes violently. You feel crushed and overwhelmed by the power that wants to impose on you like a tyrant dictator to swallow at all costs a magical and miraculous pill, which will save your life forever. But you try to understand what is really happening and build a solid impenetrable barrier that not even the most obsessive and suffocating information allied to the forces of evil can scratch. And then you react and fight with all your strength to resist hard-nosed, to defend your body and your precious freedom, which you have laboriously conquered since adolescence. So, citing a historic band like RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE, you send the corrupt power to be screwed, which wants to impose on you a false idea of freedom.M. V.

Stream: Browbeat – The Real Face

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