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Boston Manor mit neuem Song „On A High Ledge“

Boston Manor 2020

Foto: Pressefreigabe / KINDA Agency

Boston Manor haben mit „On A High Ledge“ einen weiteren neuen Song veröffentlicht. Der ist nach „Everything Is Ordinary“ und „Liquid“ mit John Floreani von Trophy Eyes die nunmehr dritte Vorab-Veröffentlichung des neuen Albums. Das trägt den Titel  „Glue“ und wird am 01. Mai via Pure Noise Records erscheinen. Dabei ist die neue Single eine sehr persönliche und wichtige, wie Frontmann Henry Cox erzählt:

“When I was seven years old I saw a man commit suicide by jumping off the bus station in Blackpool a few feet in front of me. Growing up, I always rejected the idea of what a ‘boy’ should do; I never liked football, I thought fighting was stupid and at age six I spray-painted my bike pink.

I’ve always hated the term ‘man up’. I think it is such a damaging thing to say to little boys. A big problem that we have to tackle is men’s inability to seek help; it’s this ‘man up culture’ that is baked into young men from a young age that makes them think – it’s wrong to cry, it’s wrong to share your feelings and being vulnerable is weak.

The biggest killer of young men today is suicide. Obviously, mental health support in the UK and most of the world is not what it should be, and mental health issues affect everyone – not just men. But I wanted to write a song dedicated to that man who died when I was young. I hope, as a society, we can teach little boys being born now that being sad is okay. Strangely, the day after we wrote this song, one of the guys in the band was driving home and saw a man on a bridge over the motorway about to jump. He quickly pulled off the road and managed to talk to the guy until an ambulance came. A strange coincidence, but I really hope that man is doing better now.”

Video: Boston Manor – On A High Ledge

Hier vorbestellen
Boston Manor – Glue
Release: 01. Mai 2020
Label: Pure Noise Records


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