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Casey präsentieren neuen Song „Bruise“


Foto: Martyna Wisniewska

Die britische Melodic Hardcore Band Casey präsentiert mit „Bruise“ einen weiteren Song aus ihrem kommenden Album „Where I Go When I Am Sleeping“, das ab dem 16. März erhältlich sein wird. Nach „Phosphenes“ und „Fluorescents“ ist dies die dritte Single aus dem kommenden Werk.

Frontmann Tom Weaver über den neuen Song gegenüber AltPress:

“’Bruise‘ is a retrospective look over the distance between [our previous album] „Love Is Not Enough“ and this new record. It’s also one of the more hopeful songs on „Where I Go When I Am Sleeping“. The first part of the track is written about how I felt at the end of the „Love Is Not Enough“ cycle and the time leading up to the new record.”

Zum Album fügt er hinzu:

“One of the themes across the album is adult guilt, the idea of being unworthy or undeserving of your present position. It’s the antithesis to the idea that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Growing up in the household I did. I’ve got a severely handicapped brother. I learned what I believed to be my place quickly. I never wanted much as a child, because I always knew that my brother’s needs came before my own, and that translated into my early adulthood. I never used to come home drunk, because I always respected that my brother needed to sleep a lot, and I’d never bring girlfriends home, because I knew my parents had a lot to deal with. I was instilled with a sense of responsibility very early on in life.”

Im Rahmen ihrer Headlinertour sind Casey am 2. April im Mephisto des Kulturzentrum Faust in Hannover zu Gast – präsentiert vom Count Your Bruises Magazine. Tickets für die Tour und die Show in Hannover mit Endless Heights und Rarity könnt Ihr Euch hier sichern: Tickets

Stream: Casey – Bruise


Where I Go When I Am Sleeping

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