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Codefendants veröffentlichen Video zu „Fast Track“


Foto: Nik Hampshire

Codefendants, das sind Fat MikeSam King und Ceschi Ramos, haben ihre Video-Pentalogie abgeschlossen, indem sie uns das Finale in Form ihrer neuen Single „Fast Track“ vorstellen. Nach ihrer Kollaboration mit Stacey Dee folgt nun das nächste Feature, für das kein Geringerer als The DOC seine erste neue Strophe nach über 19 Jahren beisteuerte!

My experience was nothing short of exhilarating, as I found myself surrounded by an ensemble of gifted individuals and luminaries from the underground hip-hop and punk rock scene. I am eagerly anticipating the release of our collective creation, and I can’t wait for all of you to witness the magic we have conjured up.The DOC

Dem fügte Ceschi hinzu:

We were raised on hip hop & punk. To us, blending those sounds is not some cute fashion statement or gimmick that we can suddenly abandon for the next trend. I always think of that photo of Public Enemy wearing Minor Threat shirts in the 80s and realize how that image alone sums up a good chunk of my musical & cultural upbringing. Getting to record alongside the legendary DOC and watch as he crafted ferocious, wisdom-laced bars was an absolute honor. Heads in the know understand that this is a rarity, DOC doesn’t just rap on anyone’s shit, it had been many years since he unleashed the growl & we spent time together to eventually create a Codefendants call to arms theme in an organic fashion. When we were able to film the video with Indecline so much of our artist family came through – Myka 9 of The Freestyle Fellowship, 2Mex, Awol One, Factor Chandelier, Stacey Dee of Bad Cop Bad Cop, Jenn from the Bombpops, Zeta, Rick Thorne & many others…Punk Rock & Underground Hip Hop were properly represented – it was an unforgettable day.Ceschi Ramos

Das Nebenprojekt der Punk- und Rap-Legenden wird mit „This Is Crime Wave“ in knapp einer Woche sein Album-Debüt geben. Fünf der zehn Songs kennen wir inzwischen schon.

Video: Codefendants – Fast Track


01. Def Cons
02. Abscessed (feat. Get Dead and Onry Ozzborn)
03. Fast Ones (feat. The DOC)
04. Suicide by Pigs
05. Disaster Scenes (feat. Stacey Dee)
06. Prison Camp
07. Suckers
08. Brutiful
09. Sell Me Youth
10. Coda-fendants

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