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Comeback Kid machen für neue Single gemeinsame Sache mit Joe Duplantier von Gojira

Comeback Kid

Foto: Avrinder Dhillon

Comeback Kid haben mit „Crossed“ einen brandneuen Track ins Rennen geschickt. Unterstützung bekommen sie hierfür von Joe Duplantier von Gojira. Dies ist nach „Heavy Steps“ und „No Easy Way Out“ der dritte Track vom kommenden Album „Heavy Steps“, das am 21. Januar auf den Markt kommt.

Crossed is a no frills metallic hardcore track. Lyrically it deals with someone in my life that seemed so far gone and I had to watch them dig themselves further and further into a low and unrealistic place. “Crossed into the void” so to say. We enlisted Joe from Gojira to represent somewhat of an overlord menacing presence in the song. An overshadowing power via his blood curdling scream. This song is direct and to the point about staying in reality and warns of the elements that could bring us further into darkness. It was wild how this song and video all came together. So many people from all over the world contributed to this project. On top of the teams used to create the video, the track was recorded in Winnipeg and was mixed in New York by Will Putney. Then Joe [Duplantier] recorded his parts at his house (I believe) in France! This is one of the most fun collaborative projects that I have had the pleasure of working on.Andrew Neufeld

Bereits im September haben Comeback Kid bekannt gegeben, dass sie im nächsten Jahr für eine Headline-Tournee nach Großbritannien und Europa zurückkehren werden. Mit dabei sind Be Well, Devil In Me und Scowl.

Video: Comeback Kid – Crossed (feat. Joe Duplantier/Gojira)

Tourdates 2022

19.01. Berlin, Hole44
20.01. Hannover, Faust
21.01. Bochum, Matrix
22.01. Karlsruhe, Weisse Rose
02.02. München, Backstage
04.02. Leipzig, Conne Island


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