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Die Grammy Awards 2021 werden verschoben

Body Count 2020

Foto: Dirk Behlau

Eigentlich sollten die diesjährigen Grammy Awards am 31. Januar stattfinden. Warum die Veranstaltung in Los Angeles nun zwei Monate nach hinten verschoben wurde, bedarf wohl keiner weiteren Erklärung. So werden die Awards nun – so jedenfalls der aktuelle Plan – am 21. März verliehen.

Harvey Mason Jr., der Vorsitzende der verantwortlichen Recording Academy, erklärt:

„After thoughtful conversations with health experts, our network partner CBS, our host, and artists scheduled to appear, we have made the decision to postpone the 63rd Grammy Awards to March 21, 2021. The deteriorating COVID situation in Los Angeles, where hospital services have been overwhelmed, ICUs have reached capacity, and new guidance from state and local governments have all led us to conclude that postponing our show was the right thing to do. Nothing is more important than the health and safety of those in our music community and the hundreds of people who work tirelessly on producing the show.

We want to thank all of the talented artists, the staff, our vendors, and especially this year’s nominees for their understanding, patience, and willingness to work with us as we navigate these unprecedented times. The show will go on and we will unite and heal through music by celebrating excellence and saluting this year’s outstanding nominees.“


Besonders interessant sind für uns natürlich die Nominierten für „Best Metal Performance“. Neben Body Count sind hier nämlich Code OrangeIn This MomentPower Trip und Poppy vertreten.

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