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Face To Face streamen „All For Nothing“ als Akustikversion

Face To Face 2018

Foto: Nathaniel Shannon

Die Punk-Veteranen Face To Face veröffentlichen am 27. Juli ihr erstes Akustikalbum „Hold Fast (Acoustic Sessions)“. Die Band aus Kalifornien veröffentlicht somit ein Album voller  Akustikversionen bereits bekannter Songs. Dabei geht es vom 1992er-Debüt „Don’t Turn Away“ bis zur 2016er-Scheibe „Protection“ quer durch die Diskografie des Quartetts. Kürzlich streamte die Band den dritten Vorabsong „All For Nothing“

„Our songs, when stripped down, had a really cool identity that didn’t exist the way that we play them as a full band, punk-rock style.“

Frontmann Trever Keith berichtet über die Enstehung der Akustikscheibe: “During last year’s Econo-Live tour, we included a VIP package for the first time ever. I wanted to do something more than just signing autographs or taking pictures, so we added an acoustic set every night before the show. What came out of that experience was this realization that our songs, when stripped down, had a really cool identity that didn’t exist the way that we play them as a full band, punk-rock style. We started to notice this connection with the people who were watching, and we started thinking: ‚Maybe we should record this‘.“

Stream: Face To Face – All For Nothing

Hier vorbestellen
Face To Face – Hold Fast (Acoustic Sessions)
27. Juli 2018
Label: Fat Wreck Chords


1. All For Nothing
2. Disconnected
3. Shame on Me
4. Keep Your Chin Up
5. Velocity
6. AOK
7. Don’t Turn Away
8. Blind
9. Ordinary
10. Bill of Goods

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