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„Fat Mike Gets Strung Out“: Fat Mike verwandelt NOFX-Songs in „klassische Meisterwerke“

Fat Mike Gets Strung Out Albumcover

NOFX-Frontmann Fat Mike hat sich mit seinem Freund Bastien „BAZ“ Brisson zusammengetan, um ein außergewöhnliches Projekt zu schaffen: „Fat Mike Gets Strung Out“. Auf dem Album befinden sich Hits von NOFX, allerdings im Klassik-Format. „Fat Mike Gets Strung Out“ erscheint am 15. September, den ersten Song „Fuck Day Six“ gibt es aber bereits jetzt hören.

Why make a strings album? It’s not because I always like to push my limits. It’s because I wanted to hear what my songs sound like without guitar chords and those pesky vocals and backup vocals. I wanted to hear every note in its purest form. I wanted a sad song to sound sad even though there are no words. I wanted to make something I thought my parents would play at a dinner party….well, if they were alive. I wanted to make something that would be liked by more than just punk fans. But mostly, I just wanted to have fun making an album I had never made before… And guess what? Baz and I are almost done with the next album. Fun!Fat Mike

Stream: Fat Mike – Fuck Day Six


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