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Four Year Strong: Traditionelle Weihnachtsshow dieses Jahr digital

Four Year Strong News

Foto: Pressefreigabe / KINDA Agency

Four Year Strong haben verkündet, dass ihre traditionelle Weihnachtsshow, die sich dieses Jahr zum 13. Mal jährt, 2020 digital stattfinden wird. Und zwar am 19. Dezember, um 0.00 Uhr hierzulande. Tickets gibt es ab sofort hier: Tickets
Der Zugang kostet $1 pro Ticket, der Erlös wird an das Palladium in Worchester gespendet. Sänger und Gitarrist Dan O’Connor sagt zu diesem Event:

“We’ve never missed a Four Year Strong Annual Holiday Show since our first in 2006, and we’re not starting now. On December 19th we proudly present The Four Year Strong Holiday Special. We’ll be playing a set of new and old favorites, some performances and holiday messages from some of our friends, a holiday story for the whole family and some surprises as well! We’re hoping to make this something special and try to spread a little holiday cheer. So tune in a be part of an FYS tradition and end the year with us! We hope to see you all, near and far”

Zudem gibt es ein Musikvideo zu „Brain Pain“, dem Titelsong des aktuellen Albums zu sehen. Dazu sagt O’Connor:

“The video was started in December before the pandemic hit and live events were halted for the foreseeable future. Once we saw the first cut it left us longing for live music and the positive energy, and rush of playing shows. We knew we had to change the video to reflect that longing and to hopefully keep that flame lit inside everyone to return to live events as soon as all are able. We miss you all.”

Video: Four Year Strong – Brain Pain

Four Year Strong – Brain Pain

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