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Hacktivist kündigen Livestream zum neuen Album „Hyperdialect“ an

Hacktivist 2021

Foto: Pressefreigabe/KINDA

Mit „Hyperdialect“ kündigen Hacktivist ihr erstes neues Album seit 2006 an, das am 18. Juni auf den Markt kommt. Daraus präsentierte die Band just die neue Single „Planet Zero“. Nun haben Hacktivist verkündet, dass sie den Albumrelease in Form eines Livestream-Events feiern wird.

Diese Livestream-Show der Briten wird am 26. Juli stattfinden. Mit von der Partie ist außerdem Rapper Kid Bookie. Tickets könnte Ihr Euch hier sichern: Tickets

Co-Sänger J. Hurley zur aktuellen Single:

„Look at the state of the planet at the moment and people are still ignoring it. It doesn’t make sense. There are all these homeless people on the streets, but there’s all this land and enough food to go around for everyone.”

Co-Sänger Jot Maxi ergänzt:

„There are so many things wrong with the way humanity is. We’re self-destructive and everybody knows it. It’s in a lot of films, especially in science fiction. But that dark future is no longer fiction and it’s very clear that we’re on a downwards path. If I buy a bottle of something to drink, it’s going to be sold in plastic and I’m going to feel guilt about that. Take a look at any city around the world – there’s so much opulence and grandeur on show, but look closely enough and you’ll find people living on the streets, homeless. Where is this going? There are islands of plastic bottles in the sea now, but we only have this one planet. It’s mad. It’s all tilting downwards, and into the mouth’s of the rich“.

Video: Hacktivist – Planet Zero

Video: Hacktivist – Armoured Core (feat. Kid Bookie)

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