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Jinjer arbeiten an ihrem vierten Album

Jinjer 2020 News

Foto: Javier Bragado

Jinjer haben sich in den letzten Tagen ins Studio begeben, um mit den Arbeiten an ihrem mit Spannung erwarteten vierten Album zu beginnen. Die Fans haben bereits den Arbeitstitel #JINJER4 vergeben. Die Band hat in den letzten Monaten intensiv an neuem Material gearbeitet und das Album verspricht, das bisher visionärste und eindrucksvollste zu werden. Bassist Eugene Abdukhanov kommentierte:

“Those of you who keep an eye on us must have already heard that Jinjer have been working on new material pretty much since the beginning of the pandemic. It is one of those situations where even the most negative and terrible predicament can sometimes have a positive outcome. Deprived of live touring, we managed to focus all our creativity and frustration and turn it into new songs which are, in my opinion- the best music we have ever written. It’s complex but yet catchy as hell, groovy but with such a palette of notes, sounds and most importantly: feelings… this new album might take the whole genre of extreme music to a whole new level and raise the bar of musicality even higher for this band and the metal scene in general.”

Video: Jinjer – New Album Studio Report #1 (Drums)

Hier erhältlich
Jinjer – Macro
Release: 25. Oktober 2019
Label: Napalm Records
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