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Milk Teeth veröffentlichen neuen Song „Given Up“

Milk Teeth

Foto: Sean Black

Das britische Trio Milk Teeth hat mit „Given Up“ einen neuen Song veröffentlicht. Passend dazu präsentiert die Band außerdem ein Musikvideo.

Sängerin Becky Bloomfield über den neuen Song gegenüber dem Kerrang! Magazin:

„Given Up started as a more alt/folk acoustic song with a swung rhythm. I put my head together with Em (Foster, guitarist) and we created something faster, with a lead line that is an ear worm.

It’s intentionally simplistic in its format to highlight the lyrics and mood conveyed. I wrote this at a time where both interpersonal relationships within Milk Teeth and my romantic relationship – that had ended around that time – had me feeling frustrated and angry.

I was a victim of gaslighting and felt like I was going crazy for almost two years, which broke me down to nothing. This song represents the process of working through that time, feeling empowered and realising it wasn’t my fault.“

2016 veröffentlichten Milk Teeth ihr Debütalbum „Vile Child“. Ob „Given Up“ ein Vorbote auf ein neues Album ist, ist bisher nicht klar.

Video: Milk Teet – Given Up

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