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Petrol Girls präsentieren neue Single “Baby, I Had An Abortion”

Petrol Girls News

Foto: Hassle Records

Eine Weile war es still um die Petrol Girls, nun kommen sie aus der Versenkung zurück mit einer Single, die es in sich hat. “Baby, I Had An Abortion” ist ein starker feministischer Punksong der das Tabuthema Abtreibung bricht. Die Thematik kommt ganz aus der Erfahrung von Sängerin Ren Aldridge.

when I moved to Austria I was shocked to find out that it costs around €500 to have an abortion even if you have health insurance. That’s almost two months rent for me! One morning, my partner and I encountered pro-lifers marching in front of the abortion clinic on the main street. I saw red, and before I knew it was circling them screaming “I HAD AN ABORTION AND I’M NOT SORRY!” to the amusement of onlooking shoppers. I joined local counter protests and continued shouting “I had an abortion, and I’m not sorry” in German. But I started thinking about this interaction and how limited it was, even if it was cathartic. I didn’t want to dignify them with a serious reaction – I wanted to ridicule them. I’ve not seen much of the pro-lifers since the pandemic but I’m thinking about dance routines and street theatre to go along with the pro-abortion flyers we handed out to passers by.Ren Aldridge

Mit dem Song selber sammelt die Band Spenden für die Organisation “Abortion Without Borders” – welche zum Beispiel betroffenen Personen in Polen den Zugang zu einer Abtreibung oder Informationen dazu ermöglicht. Petrol Girls sind bekannt dafür sich mit ihrer Musik und ihrem Einfluss für die Rechte anderer einzusetzen.

Video: Petrol Girls – Baby, I Had An Abortion

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