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Primetime Failure veröffentlichen den Song „I like what you’ve done with the place“

Primetime Failure

Foto: Tobias Dellmann

Lange mussten die Fans der Bielefelder Primetime Failure auf neue Musik warten. Nun ist es endlich so weit und die neuesten Single „I Like What You’ve Done With The Place“ wurde aus dem Sack gelassen. Um was es geht? Das beantworten Euch die Jungs am Besten selbst:

We all have heard a bunch of mid twenty guys writing cliche songs about never growing up. We all know it’s kinda cringeworthy at best when done right, but have you ever asked yourself, what a bunch of (and we’re estimating here) „older“ guys, with a fully developed hatred of all things adult can do with the same phrases and the same old chords? Us neither, but here we are with a song to get stuck in your head all winter long and most likely ‚til you’re ready to record the next summer mixtape for someone „that has changed a lotPrimetime Failure

Video: Primetime Failure – I Like What You’ve Done With The Place

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