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„Punks Against War Volume 2“ ist erschienen

Punks Against War 2023

„Punks Against War Volume 2“ ist eine Compilation mit 23 Titeln. Das Album ist die neueste Folge der Compilation-Reihe, die Beiträge von 180 russischen Punkbands enthält. Das Projekt ist nicht gewinnorientiert – alle Spenden, die durch die Compilation eingenommen werden, werden zur Unterstützung ukrainischer Flüchtlinge gespendet.

“Cities have been destroyed, tens of thousands of dead. Millions of refugees and the economic crisis, Torture, terror and lies of propaganda have become everyday. But Putin’s dictatorship is not enough. They need more territory, more power at any cost. Protest against wars, state violence and various forms of discrimination was part of the punk scene. But our voice began to subside due to repression. So now we need to unite more than ever. Look around and remember that each of us is not alone in fighting this horror. There are many of us, and standing shoulder to shoulder, we confidently declare: We are against the war started by Russia! Let music unite and inspire us again!
For peace and freedom! United & Stop War!”Collection manifest

Stream: Punks Against War Volume 2

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