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Red City Radio veröffentlichen neuen Song

Red City Radio

Foto: Pressefreigabe

Red City Radio veröffentlichen mit “I’ll Still Be Around” einen Song ihrer neuesten EP „SkyTigers“. Die Platte erscheint am kommenden Freitag via Red Scare. Zuletzt veröffentlichte die US-amerikanische Punkrock-Band aus Oklahoma 2015 ein selbstbetiteltes Studioalbum. Hot Water Musik und The Lawrence Arms Fans kommen hier definitiv auf ihre Kosten.

Frontmann Garrett Dale fasst die Story hinter dem Song für die Kollegen von Brooklyn Vegan kurz und knackig zusammen:

“‘I’ll Still Be Around’ is a fucking Rock and Roll song about the demons calling out to you. Inviting and welcoming you to indulge in your vices. And damn, can they be convincing!”

Über die Hintergründe zur anstehenden EP hat der Sänger Folgendes zu berichten:

“SkyTigers is a level of consciousness, obtainable when one with mind, body, and spirt and to be able to spread love and truth thru positivity. To be the absolute best version of yourself that you can be. That’s what being a SkyTiger is. To be great and do great. Because you are great. The message with “SkyTigers” is a message of acceptance and love. Accepting control over your own universe and taking a stand against hate, fear, and confusion and facing them confidently with peace, love, and understanding. We hope that these songs make our listeners feel like there is someone who feels the same as them. Because there is. We are not alone when we have each other. And with the power of Rock & Roll, we are together. We welcome you. Though “SkyTigers” is a small collection of songs, it’s the tip of the iceberg. We have a lot in store for our fans and we welcome everyone to join us on this wonderful sonic journey as we evolve, mature, and grow together as a band, a people, and as friends.”

Video: Red City Radio – I’ll Still Be Around

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