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Sohn von Eddie Van Halen mit Tribut an seinen Vater

Mammoth WVH News 2020

Foto: Travis Shinn

Wolfgang Van Halen, Sohn der kürzlich verstorbenen Gitarrenlegende Eddie Van Halen, veröffentlicht das erste Stück seiner Soloband Mammoth WVH. „Distance“ heißt der Song und das dazugehörige Video zollt Tribut an Eddie Van Halen.

Anfang 2021 soll das erste Album von Mammoth WVH via EX1 Records erscheinen. Die Erlöse des neuen Songs sollen der Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation zugute kommen.

Wolfgang Van Halen äußerte sich zu Video und Song wie folgt:

“As my pop continued to struggle with various health issues, I was imagining what my life would be like without him and how terribly I’d miss him. While the song is incredibly personal, I think anyone can relate to the idea of having a profound loss in their life. I never intended ‘Distance’ to be the very first piece of music people would hear from me, but I also thought my father would be here to celebrate its release. This is for him. I love and miss you, Pop.”

Video: Mammoth WVH – Distance

Hier erhältlich
Mammoth WVH – Distance
Release: 17. November 2020
Label: EX1 Records
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