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System Of A Down mit gleich zwei neuen Songs

System Of A Down

Foto: Danny Clinch

System Of A Down melden sich nach fünfzehn Jahren mit gleich zwei neuen Songs zurück. „Protect The Land“ und „Genocidal Humanoidz“ heißen die Stücke und haben ein gemeinsames Statement:

„We as System Of A Down have just released new music for the first time in 15 years. The time to do this is now, as together, the four of us have something extremely important to say as a unified voice. These two songs, “Protect The Land” and “Genocidal Humanoidz,” both speak of a dire and serious war being perpetrated upon our cultural homelands of Artsakh and Armenia.
The current corrupt regimes of Aliyev in Azerbaijan and Erdogan in Turkey not only want to claim Artsakh and Armenia as their own, but are committing genocidal acts with impunity on humanity and wildlife to achieve their mission. They are banking on the world being too distracted with COVID, elections and civil unrest to call out their atrocities. They have the bankroll, the resources and have recruited massive public relations firms to spin the truth and conceal their barbaric objective of genocide. Between these two dictatorships, there’s a lot of disinformation and silencing of voices within their own countries. Freedom of speech is not something that is enjoyed by everyone, but it is enjoyed here, so part of that responsibility is getting the truth out there whenever possible. We’re here to protect our land, to protect our culture, and to protect our nation. This is not the time to turn a blind eye.“
Wer sich die Songs über die Bandcamp Seite der Band kauft, unterstützt damit die „Aid For Artsakh Campaign“, die Spenden für die Republik Arzach und Armenien sammelt. Die Band hält ihre Hörer außerdem dazu an, sich selbst über den Konflikt zu informieren und selbstständig zu spenden.

Video: System Of A Down – Protect The Land

Video: System Of A Down – Genocidal Humanoidz

Hier erhältlich
System Of A Down – Protect The Land/Genocidal Humanoidz
Release: 06. November 2020
Label: Columbia Records
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