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The Amity Affliction kündigen neues Album „Not Without My Ghosts“ an

The Amity Affliction 2023

Foto: Pressefreigabe/KINDA

The Amity Affliction haben mit „Not Without My Ghosts“ für den 12. Mai ihr neues Album angekündigt. Passend dazu veröffentlicht die Band rund um Frontmann Joel Birch einen neuen Song namens „It’s Hell Down Here“ samt Musikvideo.

Zum Song erklärt Joel Birch:

This song is a a letter from myself and Ahren, written by me, to our friends who have passed on to the other side. I’m 41. I’m bipolar. And I’m pretty tired of it. That’s where lyrics like ‚Like a snake I tire / the cold dark clouds, they steal my light‘ come from. The song is wrapping up how I feel daily, and reflecting on the time leading up to my friend killing himself. I’m sure a lot of people who have experienced that guilt at not seeing what becomes glaringly obvious after the fact.Joel Birch

Auf dem neuen Album dürfen wir uns über einige Features freuen. Mit dabei sind Louie Knuxx, der leider 2021 verstarb, Comeback Kid’s Andrew Neufeld, Landon Tewers von The Plot in You und Phem.

Video: The Amity Affliction – It’s Hell Down Here

Tracklist: The Amity Affliction – Not Without My Ghosts

1. Show Me Your God“
2. It’s Hell Down Here“
3. Fade Away“
4. Death And The Setting Sun“ (Feat. Andrew Neufeld)
5. I See Dead People“ (Feat. Louie Knuxx)
6. When It Rains It Pours“ (Feat. Landon Tewers)
7. The Big Sleep“
8. Close To Me“
9. God Voice“
10. Not Without My Ghosts“ (Feat. Phem)

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