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The Devil Wears Prada kündigen neue EP „ZII“ an

The devil Wears Prada 2021 News

Foto: The Devil Wears Prada

Bereits seit einiger Zeit ist klar, dass bei The Devil Wears Prada etwas im Busch ist. Nun wurde offiziell bestätigt, dass uns am 21. Mai eine neue EP namens „ZII“ erwartet, die insgesamt fünf neue Songs umfassen wird.

Passend dazu kündigt die Band um Frontmann Mike Hranica ein Livestream-Event für den 15. Mai an, um die neue EP live vorzustellen.

Die Kollegen von Lambgoat zitieren die Band wie folgt:

„There’s no question that the Zombie EP is a fan favorite and a record that really set the pace for us as a heavier band. A goal we had for this EP was to pay tribute to ZI while honing in on the characteristics that we enjoy about heavy music today and the directions we want to see it heading. We just had our first song go to radio with ‚Chemical‘, and now in the same year, we will be releasing the heaviest music of our career with ZII. This isn’t just a new chapter for the Zombie EP; this is a new chapter for us as a band, and an opportunity to lean into both sounds in ways that feel better than ever. We’ve found our footing with these six members. Now we’re stepping on the gas and not letting up. Before, there were five songs about how to fend off the apocalypse. Now, there are five songs of hopelessness against the hoard.“

Video: The Devil Wears Prada – ZII (Trailer)


01. Nightfall
02. Forlorn
03. Termination
04. Nora
05. Contagion

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