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The Devil Wears Prada kündigen neues Album „Color Decay“ an

The Devil Wears Prada 2022

Foto: Pressefreigabe/KINDA

The Devil Wears Prada haben für den 16. September ihr neues Album „Color Decay“ an. Mit „Salt“ dürfen wir uns bereits über einen ersten Vorboten auf das kommende Werk freuen.

„Sal“‚ is a song about trying to move forward and then feeling like nothing ever changes, even when you’ve seemingly done everything right. It’s the sort of feeling that makes you question every move you’ve ever made. Initially, the lyrics were just about having trouble writing songs for our new record, but soon, we realized that this feeling of fighting only to be stagnant and held down applies to so much more in our lives. It was really a breakthrough track and allowed us to dive in even deeper into what became Color Decay”.The Devil Wears Prada

„Color Decay“ ist der Nachfolger des 2019er-Albums „The Act“. Im Rahmen ihrer Europatour sind The Devil Wears Prada ab September auch in Deutschland zu Gast. Alle Termine findet Ihr weiter unten.

Video: The Devil Wears Prada – Salt

Tourdates The Devil Wears Prada 2022

30.09. Berlin, Metropol
05.10. München, Backstage Werk
09.10. Köln, Live Music Hall
11.10. Stuttgart, LKA Longhorn

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