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The Tidal Sleep mit neuem Video zu „Collapses“

The Tidal Sleep

Foto: The Tidal Sleep

Die Post Hardcore Band The Tidal Sleep hat zu ihrem Song „Collapses“ ein neues Video veröffentlicht. Im September dieses Jahres hat die Band aus verschiedenen Städten Deutschlands ihre EP „Be Kind“ auf den Markt gebracht, auf der vier Songs zu finden sind. „Collapses“ ist allerdings nicht auf der EP zu finden, sondern auf dem 2017er Werk „Be Water“.

Die Band dazu auf Facebook:

In 2012 we met Ryan of Crashburn Media for the first time while he was on tour shooting material for Defeater. We became close friends and always tried to stay in touch. We knew that he basically has no time ever… but we approached him anyways when it came to the point when we finally decided that we wanted a video for „Collapses“ – definitely one of the grimmer songs on „Be Water“. When we came across a couple of drone shots of furios ocean waves that Ryan posted on the internet, we immediately asked him if he had enough material to fill a whole song with it. He didn’t. But he kept shooting stuff with his drone while he was on tour with other bands and of the shores of Cornwall. We think that he captured the mood of the song in a brilliant way.

Video: The Tidal Sleep – Collapses

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