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The XCERTS veröffentlichen Single mit Sam Carter (Architects)

Foto: Zak Pinchin

Das Distorted Pop Trio The XCERTS hat einen gemeinsamen Song mit langjährigem Freund und Architects-Frontmann Sam Carter veröffentlicht. Der Titel nennt sich „Ache“ und kommt auch mit einem passenden Musikvideo daher. Murray Macleod, seines Zeichens Fronter von The Xcerts, erzählt über die Zusammenarbeit mit Carter:

I met Sam on the first day of college, when we were both 17 years old. We connected instantly and have been inseparable ever since. He’s family at this point. Not only has he championed us publicly, but he has been there every step of the way throughout our career with nothing but support. Sam featuring on an XCERTS song is long overdue, but I’m glad we waited until now as ‘Ache’ is a song about desperately clinging on to hope when your own mental wellbeing is crumbling; when the world at large feels too much, all you need sometimes is a glimmer of beauty to remind you that life is special. Sam has offered up countless glimmers and taught me a lot about letting go. My guy is pure love.Murray Macleod

Und über die Entstehung von „Ache“:

At the time of writing ‚Ache‘ I was listening to a lot of shoegaze; I really wanted to bring the ‚wall of noise‘ chaos and lushness of the genre into a hyper world, alongside the emo influence that has always been prevalent in our music. A lot of the songs that inspired ‚Ache‘ are rooted in mid-tempos so I thought it would be an interesting spin to speed it up. The opening line of the chorus is taken from ‚A Streetcar Named Desire‘ by Tennessee Williams which I re-read a few times during lockdown, and for whatever reason, I found those words to be profound during an intensely tough time. My (now) girlfriend gave me the book during that period, and she is the ‚beauty‘ „In the darkness waving“, so the song and influence mean a great deal to me.Murray Macleod

Video: The Xcerts feat. Sam Carter – Ache

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