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Würst Nürse mit neuem Video zu „I’m Not Your Punching Bag“

Würst Nürse

Foto: Bandcamp

Würst Nürse haben ein Video zu ihrem neuen Song „I’m Not Your Punching Bag“ veröffentlicht. Das Video wurde von Wild Rose Pictures produziert.

„We actually wrote this song pre-pandemic as we struggled to understand the various types of abuse that healthcare workers face when at work. Never did we think that this abuse could extend outside of the hospital and never did we think that HCWs would be harassed, spat on and assaulted in the streets for merely wearing their uniforms. We refuse to believe that tolerating this kind of behaviour is ‘just part of the job’. For too long nurses have been fed this narrative and we say that that’s not good enough. We want better support in hospitals to keep us safe and pay that reflects the risks we are exposed to when at work. Please, STOP glorifying us as ‘heroes’, this implies that we are superhuman and fails to recognise our needs. START treating us as members of the community who deserve basic human respect.“Würst Nürse

Video: Würst Nürse – I’m Not Your Punching Bag

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