AJJ veröffentlichen gleich zwei Songs vom neuen Album

Foto: Pressefreigabe / Ground Control Touring

AJJ haben mit „Death Machine“ und „White Ghosts“ gleich zwei neue Songs von ihrem kommenden Album veröffentlicht. Zu beiden gibt es auch passende Musikvideos zu sehen.
„Disposable Everything“ heißt der neue Langspieler und erscheint am 26. Mai via Hopeless Records. Über die beiden neuen Songs erzählt die Band:

Today we are delighted to share two new songs from our upcoming record, Disposable Everything. The new songs are called Death Machine and White Ghosts. Check ‚em out if you’re in the mood and you’ve got the time, they’re pretty good!

A big thanks is in order to the additional musicians who played on these tunes: Vicki Brown, Thor Harris, Adam Meisterhans, and Marisa Dabice. You are superstars!

For the past several years, truck stops all across America have been selling these strange plastic skulls. You can find them over by the faerie/wizard snowglobes, right across from the knives that look like dragons. Between myself, Preston, and Mark, AJJ has amassed a very well curated stable of these seemingly pointless death-tchotchkes . My personal favorite is one of Mark’s: a golden skull wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap that has a rhinestone skull & crossbones on it. That bad boy has a shitload of attitude. The very best of our respective truckstop skull collections are the stars of the video for our new song, Death Machine. We made it as a band with me shooting/directing, Mark editing, and Ben & Preston driving the cars we shot it in.

The other new song we’re putting out today is called White Ghosts, and it too comes with a band-made video. We shot White Ghosts with our phones, on a lark, live in the studio. Then Mark produced it, editing the footage together and subsequently mangling it with his analog video synthesizer. We’re really happy with how these videos came out and hope you enjoy them!

May your days be joyful wrenches in the gears of the Death Machine, filled with tender humanity and Love!AJJ

Video: AJJ – Death Machine

Video: AJJ – White Ghosts