Boston Manor mit neuem Song „Algorithm“

Boston Manor 2021
Foto: Pressefreigabe/KINDA Agency

Boston Manor lassen heute mit „Algorithm“ eine weitere neue Single von der Leine. Die folgt auf das kürzlich veröffentlichte „Carbon Mono“ und befasst sich mit dem modernen Leben und den stetig wachsenden Problemen und Ängsten. Sänger Henry Cox erzählt:

In the current media landscape, artists now are expected not only to write & perform music; but also to be media personalities, stylists, photographers, merch companies, streamers, gamers, filmmakers & just about everything in between. We’re also expected to produce art (“content”) at such an insane rate that, combined with touring commitments, it leaves us with less and less time to actually focus on the art itself. I wrote Algorithm in response to this – the whole ‘someone else’s clothes’ thing being a reference to the fact that I often feel pressured to be a person I’m not, and that sucks.Henry Cox

Video: Boston Manor – Algorithm

Boston Manor teilen „Carbon Mono“