The Casualties kündigen mit „1312“ das Album „Written In Blood“ an

The Casualties 2018 Written In Blood
Foto: Pressefreigabe

The Casualties kündigen mit dem Song „1312“ das langerwartete Album „Written In Blood“ an. Das elfte Studioalbum der Streetpunk-Band aus New York City erscheint am 26. Oktober via Cleopatra Records. Die erste Auskopplung der 15-Track-Platte thematisiert die mehr und mehr vorherrschende Polizeigewalt. „Written in Blood“ präsentiert erstmalig David Rodriguez am Mikrofon. Jorge Herrera verließ The Casualties nach 27 gemeinsamen Jahren.

„We didn’t grow up watching cops walk old ladies across the street, we grew up watching Rodney King get BEAT, not detained and man handled, fucking BEAT!“

Rodriguez beschreibt die Hintergründe zu „1312“ sehr persönlich: “1312 is a song about the police brutality we see everyday and are refusing to accept! I grew up hearing my father say never trust the police. He was a political person working with Mexican migrant workers. The stories he told me are the same I see everyday. Now with cameras everywhere, there is no hiding. Little Brother. This is a statement very true to our culture, our way of life, 1312 ACAB! We didn’t grow up watching cops walk old ladies across the street, we grew up watching Rodney King get BEAT, not detained and man handled, fucking BEAT! If normal citizens must pay the price of the ‘long arm of the law’ they can be held accountable for their actions. Anyone of color can be pulled over for being suspicious? Well we can be suspicious of them! 1312 ACAB. With great power comes great responsibility!”

Video: The Casualties – 1312


1 1312
2 Fucking Hate You
3 Ashes
4 Demolition
5 Guard Dogs
6 Written In Blood
7 Feed Off Fear
8 Final Expense
9 So Much Hate
10 Ya Basta
11 All Out War
12 Smash
13 Lost
14 What I Want
15 Borders

Hier erhältlich

The Casualties Written In Blood 2018The Casualties – Written In Blood
Release: 26. Oktober 2018
Label: Cleopatra Records